Friday 18 October 2013

Motion Sickness Making Travel Difficult? TRY THIS TIPS!

I created this post because it directly affects me. Apart from my fear of heights, Motion Sickness is something i constantly have to manage. For instance, am on the road going from distance A to C, all of a sudden, i develop headache and become very nauseous. If i don't immediately deal with it, i break out in sweats and become really dizzy, (almost all the true symptoms of pregnancy lol). If you experience this symptoms and more when you are in motion- in a moving car, in a boat, in a plane,train, then like me you've got motion sickness.

Motion sickness occurs when the inner ear, eyes and other organs that detects motion, sends conflicting messages to the brain. some organs that help you keep balance(like your vision and sensory nerves) may indicate your body is moving while some others do not detect motion.

Handling Motion Sickness
If drugs don't appeal to you, then try this great tips that works quite well for me.

- If you are riding in a car, stick to the front seat, looking at the horizon would help. That way your eyes would communicate to your brain that you are indeed in motion.
- Limit the use of air conditioners. As much as possible allow fresh air in the vehicle.
- Don't try to read while in motion.
- Avoid alcohol and heavy foods before the journey.
- Keep ginger(ginger ale, ginger sweets, ginger tablets) handy. Ginger has been proven to reduce nausea.
- Listen to soothing music to help calm your anxiety.
- If all else fails, medicate. There are very good over the counter products that would lessen the symptoms.

So next time you are in motion and develop this symptoms, Manage it well, don't panic and you'd be just fine.:)


  1. Wow! First time I'm coming across something to help motion sickness :) will try one of these options | |

  2. Interesting!!! hmmm now I know...

  3. U sure...drink like 8-12 bottle of anything call beer....sweet trip

  4. Thanks for this. Letting in fresh air helps me with the headaches and nose pains that comes with motion sickness.
